Protein Tiramisu made using @healthfarm_nutrition’s best selling product: Whey Protein Plus in the flavour Irish Coffee ☕️☘️
Read along for the recipe:
1. 1/2 cup Whipping Cream
2. 2 tablespoon @healthfarm_nutrition’s Whey Protein in the flavour Irish Coffee
3. One pack Parle-G Hide & Seek Biscuits
4. 2-3 tablespoons Instant Coffee (depending on how strong you want the tiramisu to be)
5. 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
6. Mint leaves to garnish
1. (For Prep) In a bowl, mix together whipping cream & whey protein & whip together using a hand whisk or electric mix for about 5-8 minutes until the mixture is thick & fluffy
2. (For Prep) Dip each biscuit in a coffee-water mixture (2 tablespoons coffee + 5-6 tablespoons water)
3. (Assembly) Start with layering biscuits dipped in coffee (you need to work quickly with the biscuits since it melts very fast), layer the whipping cream on top & continue the process until the jar is filled to the top.
4. Once filled, add soft peaks with the whipping cream, dust cocoa powder on top & garnish with mint leaves! Enjoy!
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